Welcome to my Private Peacock's Breeding Farms!

Selamat Datang ke Laman Ladang Penternakan Merak. Membiak beberapa spesis unggas seperti Burung Merak , Kuang, Ayam Mutiara, Ayam Piru, Angsa, Itik , Silkie, Polish, Button Quail, Coachin dll.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Golden Laced and Buff Polish


Setahun mencari baka polish yang masih kurang di Malaysia iaitu Golden Laced Polish dan Buff Laced Polish, kali ni dapat juga membeli dari sahabat seminat dari Terengganu.

White Spalding Peafowl

White Spalding juga merak mutasi yang dihasilkan melalui kaedah hybrid. Masih tiada atau tidak byk peminat di Malaysia yang membawa masuk apatah lagi membiakkan jenis ini. Antara faktornya, tidak ramai peminat burung yang meminati pembiakan merak kerana memakan masa yang agak lama. Buat masa ni, sepasang sahaja yang dibawa masuk ke ladang dengan harapan dapat membiakkan jenis ini dalam tempoh 4-5 tahun lagi. Berbeza dengan white peafowl biasa kerana baka adalah hybrid dari Java Green. Bentuk badan yang menyerupai Java Green, tinggi, tegap dan mempunyai crest yang tegak sama seperti Java Green. Sedikit maklumat disediakan berkaitan dengan White Spalding Peafowl.

Sepasang White Spalding yang telahpun berada di ladang 2 bulan yang lalu

Ini adalah contoh White Spalding Jantan yang telah matang. Gambar diambil dari Texaspeafowl

Sedikit maklumat yang berkaitan
  • White Spaldings have the taller and thinner appearance of the green, as well as yellow facial skin, combined with the pure white coloration of the white mutation.
  • Type of mutation: The white spalding is a hybrid combined with the white color gene.
  • Peacock Coloration: Males are, as their name implies, completely white. Faint eyespots can be distinguished in the train by a thin layer of off white that surrounds the ocelli. The actual seeing eyes of the birds are blue. These birds are taller and thinner than India Blue whites, and the crest is taller and tighter. A pronounced yellow loral patch is also visible.
  • Peahen Coloration: Hens are completely white, with blue eyes, a spalding type body structure, tight bunched crown, and yellow patch of facial skin.
  • Peachick Coloration: When first hatched, the chick is yellow in color with white wings and looks very similar to India Blue white chicks, although with a slightly different body structure. White chicks are hard to sex until about two years of age when the male will developed wispy tail coverts, because the bird does not change color much in its lifetime, and the male and female look so similar. Chicks born at the same time can sometimes be sexed by the length of their legs. Males often have longer legs than the females.
  • Origin: White Spaldings were created by breeding the white color gene into the spalding hybrid.
  • Do they breed true?: No, because of the spalding aspect the birds will not breed true, however the white color trait will.

Cameo Peafowl

Memperkenalkan kepada peminat2 unggas satu lagi spesis merak yang baru dimiliki iaitu Cameo Peafowl. Diimport dari United States ekoran masih tidak ada lagi mutasi ini dibiak di Malaysia. Disertakan beberapa keping gambar untuk tatapan saudara2 dan sedikit informasi berkaitan Cameo Peafowl. Gambar diambil adalah asli dari ladang. Sorry sbb tak berapa cantik - ambil guna hp je dan keadaan merak juga masih muda dan belum mengeluarkan bulu yang cantik.

Ini adalah contoh gambar Cameo Peafowl yang diambil dari website texaspeafowl.com.
Female 1
Female 2

Informasi berkenaan Cameo Peafowl
  • Type of mutation: Cameo is a color mutation, and can also be combined with spaldings to create Cameo Spaldings.
  • Peacock Coloration: At the beginning of the season, males are dark brown in color, but by the time they begin to molt the sun has bleached them to a much lighter "coffee milk color." The neck remains a darker color than the rest of the body the entire year, and the train is darker in color than the wings, which exhibit brown and tan barring. The ocelli on the train have varying shades of brown, but no iridescence.
  • Peahen Coloration: Females are creamy brown and lighter than the males in color. Their heads and neck are a darker rust, and the color fades on the breast and back of the bird.
  • Peachick Coloration: Chicks look much like those of the India Blue, but are lighter in color, and are a creamy brown.
  • Origin: Cameo was the first color mutation discovered besides the white, and has been around for awhile. It was originally called the silver dun. Cameos originated in Maine in the 1960s, and were first bred by Oscar Mulloy. Sherman Cram, Dennis Cook, and Norman Waycott helped perfect the mutation.
  • Do they breed true?: Yes, cameo x cameo will produce 100% cameo chicks. However, like the purple, cameo is a sex linked mutation. This means that when a cameo cock is bred to any other type of hen, all the female offspring will be cameo and the males offspring India Blue split to cameo and the hen's color. Cameo hens cannot produce cameo offspring when bred to other types of males, only offspring split to cameo. Since the mutation has been along for many years, there is not a shortage of males like in the purples.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Up to date, Alhamdulillah tahun ni ada peningkatan dari segi bilangan telur dan juga peratus anak yang ditetaskan. Musim ni juga, kami berjaya menetaskan anak dari jenis Indian Blue, White, Bluepied, Blackshoulder dan juga Emerald Green. Peach juga ada bertelur dan masih dalam proses penetasan. Kaedah yang digunakan adalah menggunakan inkubator dan ayam kampung. Pendapat peribadi saya mengatakan kaedah ayam kampung adalah yang paling terbaik dan efektif. Ada juga rakan-rakan bertanya, kenapa tidak membiarkan ibu merak mengeram sendiri telur tersebut? Sebanarnya kaedah itu juga boleh dilakukan kerana lebih 'natural', tetapi jika membiarkan ibu merak sendiri yang mengeram, kesannya bilangan telur yang dihasilkan hanya sedikit. Ibu merak akan berhenti bertelur apabila dia mahu mengeram, sebaliknya jika telur tersebut dikutip dan dieram dengan kaedah yang lain, ibu akan berterusan bertelur hingga kapasiti yang maksimum. Secara lazimnya yang berlaku di tempat saya, seekor ibu boleh bertelur 10-15 biji semusim dan jika dibiarkan ibu mengeram, bilangannya hanya 6-7 biji sahaja.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pure Breed Poland Chicken

Original breed poland chicken, baru je dapat dari terengganu.. asalhnya ada 2 pasang tapi yang nak membedalnya ramai sangat, so terpaksa berebut nak beli. mau taknya, baka sangat cantik dan jambul pun macam kuih pau jea... selalu kita tgk polish jambul ada bulu panjang tapi yang ni jambul nye mcm kuih paw... so simpan kat farm buat baka....

Golden Sebright Chicken

Baru ni ade jugak anak menjadi lebih kurang 30 ekor, baru sehari je publish kat mudah, dah habis orang beli, tapi gambar masih ada so sy kongsi jelah buat tatapan mata.. heheh.. anak seminggu ada lagi lebih kurang 15 ekor so nanti ape2 je mudah...

Peach Peafowl

Memperkenalkan kepada peminat-peminat unggas sekalian, satu lagi variasi merak yang belum ada di Malaysia iaitu Peach Peafowl. Berwarna peach, sekali pandang memang nampak seperti Cameo, tetapi mempunyai toner warna yang berbeza, Alhamdulillah, saya dapat juga membeli koleksi terbaru ini pada Febuary yang lepas. Dikongsikan beberapa gambar sepasang merak peach yang dah pun 'bermastautim' di farm belakang rumah nie memjadikan jumlah jenis yang dikumpul sebanyak 42 ekor merak induk dari 9 jenis yang berbeza.

Sedikit maklumat berkenaan Peach Peafowl:
  • Salah satu variasi terbaru yang ditemui seperti midnight dan jades. Warna merak jenis peach ni masih lagi sukar di kenalpasti disebabkan hanya beberapa breeder sahaja yang membiak jenis ni. kebanyakannya di US.
  • Warna bagi Jantan: Warna coklat ke'oren-oren' nan dan lebih cerah dari cameo dan bronze. Warna bulu di kepak dan ekor sangat cerah berbanding badan dan menjadi agak keputihan bila di hujung bulu.
  • Warna betina: Juga lebih cerah dari cameo, nampak cerah di badan dan memiliki leher yang gelap seperti jantan.
  • Asal-usul: Peach ditemui hasil daripada kacukan pada awal 1990 an.
  • Pembiakan: Yup, peach adalah pure breed jadi anak jugak akan mendapat bloodline yang sama. Peach adalah sex-linked color iaitu gen warna dapat dipindah melalui pembiakan seperti purple dan cameo.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Emerald Green Peafowl

Emerald green or emerald spalding peafowls are a cross hybrid of the Indian Blue and Java Green Peafowl. It can be distinguish from regular spaldings because they are required at least 3/4 green blood, although it is often 7/8 or even higher.

Males are extremely similar to greens and are sometimes indistinguishable. The neck is green and the wings dark. As well as the white facial patch, emeralds also have a patch of yellow and a tint of blue, characteristics of greens. Frankly speaking, Java greens are most beautiful than this hybrid.

Hens vary greatly within this variety. The neck is solid green and iridescent. The chest and wings are varying shades of dark brown and rust. Females also have a patch of yellow and tints of blue in their facial patch.

Emerald Spalding chicks are noticeably darker than India Blue peachicks, especially on their chest, which is brown rather than cream, and their back, which is almost black. Most emerald chicks' legs have a brown tinge rather than pink. Their heads also differ slightly in shape from blues'.

Emerald Spaldings came out of extensive genetic work with spalding peafowl. Many individuals attempted to breed birds that would retain the beauty of green peafowl but be better adapted to captive life. Emerald Spaldings are less flighty and aggressive than greens, and can better deal with cold weather. However, they are still much poorer in these regards then India Blue and its variations.

Looking at Malaysia situation, all hybrid types are free from any licenses. No license is needed to get it as yours. But sometimes, the confusion would happen when distinguish between Java green and these. Sometimes, Wildlife Department will stated as Java Green. To prove, show them the receipt, health certification, permit which mentioned it is Hybrid. However, due to lack knowledge among the peoples, the last resort is, conducting DNA.

These are some pictures of my spalding collection.

Male Spalding

Male Spalding
Pair of green

Emerald Green Peafowl at My Peacock Farm
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