Memperkenalkan buford bronze peafowl yg baru dimiliki sebulan lepas. Variasi merak yang belum ada di Malaysia dan sekarang diimport untuk belaan sendiri. Buat masa nie hanya US memiliki set mutasi hasil kacukan. Setengah orang memanggilnya black peacock.
- The second of the brown peafowl, Buford Bronze or just Bronze peafowl date back to the 1980's, but are still fairly rare.
- Type of mutation: Bronze is a color mutation.
- Peacock Coloration: Males are a chocolate brown and are darker than cameos. The train also is of a much darker shade of brown, with ocelli in varying shades of dark brown. Unlike the cameo, Bronze males do not completely lack iradescence.
- Peahen Coloration: Hens look similar to those of the purple, except they lack the purple iradescence on the neck. Their bodies are a chocolate brown, with the wings slightly darker. The neck is a dark brown.
- Origin: Developed in the 1980's by a man named Buford Abbolt.
- Do they breed true?: Yes, Bronze x Bronze will breed true.